JPA support
JPA support is based on Spring Data JPA and includes by default the H2 in memory database. It includes the following dependencies:
- Spring Data JPA 1.7.0 reference manual and Javadoc
- Hibernate 4.3.6 documentation
- H2 embedded database 1.4.181 documentation
Thanks to Spring Data, it is possible to create repositories (also sometimes named DAO) by writing only the interface.
In order to use it in your project, add the following snippet to your pom.xml:
In order to import its default configuration, your should activate the resthub-jpa Spring profile in your WebAppInitializer class:
XmlWebApplicationContext appContext = new XmlWebApplicationContext();
appContext.getEnvironment().setActiveProfiles("resthub-jpa", "resthub-pool-bonecp", "resthub-web-server");
You also need to add an applicationContext.xml file in order to scan your repository package.
<beans xmlns=""
<jpa:repositories base-package="com.myproject.repository" />
Two files allow to configure persistence related properties:
- holds jpa and hibernate configuration and options and is connection pool agnostic
- holds specific configuration options for the active connection pool (See here)
Since version 3.1, Spring allows to scan entities in different modules using the same PersitenceUnit
which is not possible with default JPA behaviour. You have to specify the packages where Spring should
scan your entities by creating a file in your resources folder, with the following content:
persistenceUnit.packagesToScan = com.myproject.model
RESThub Hibernate default properties are:
hibernate.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
hibernate.show_sql = false
hibernate.format_sql = true = update
hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache = true
hibernate.cache.provider_class = net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheRegionFactory = true
persistenceUnit.packagesToScan =
Now, entities within the com.myproject.model packages will be scanned, no need for persistence.xml JPA file.
Connection pools
Since 2.2.0 version, RESThub supports both boneCP 0.8.0 and hikariCP 2.0.1 connection pools.
RESThub considers for now BoneCP as default connection pool. It means two things:
- RESThub JPA embed boneCP dependency by default and hikariCP (java6 compatible version) dependency as an optional one:
- RESThub archetypes activate boneCP spring profile in generated WebAppInitializer class:
appContext.getEnvironment().setActiveProfiles("resthub-jpa", "resthub-pool-bonecp", "resthub-web-server");
In order to switch to hikariCP you must:
- add hikariCP dependency (without version) in your pom.xml and exclude boneCP dependency:
- activate hikariCP spring profile instead of boneCP profile in WebAppInitializer class:
appContext.getEnvironment().setActiveProfiles("resthub-jpa", "resthub-pool-hikaricp", "resthub-web-server");
the file
allows to customize the default configuration for the choosen connection pool with one or more of
the available keys customized with your values (see BoneCP and HikariCP documentations for details about available options).
You should include only the customized ones.
RESThub JPA default properties for BoneCP are:
driverClass = org.h2.Driver
minConnectionsPerPartition = 2
maxConnectionsPerPartition = 4
partitionCount = 3
idleConnectionTestPeriodInMinutes = 1
statementsCacheSize = 100
connectionTestStatement = /* ping*/ SELECT 1
jdbcUrl = jdbc:h2:mem:resthub;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;MVCC=TRUE
username = sa
password =
poolName = ResthubDBPool
disableJMX = true
RESThub JPA default properties for HikariCP are:
dataSourceClassName = org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource
connectionTestQuery = /* ping*/ SELECT 1
maximumPoolSize = 12
poolName = ResthubDBPool
registerMbeans = false
dataSource.user = sa
dataSource.password =
dataSource.url = jdbc:h2:mem:resthub
Extend JPA properties
RESThub provides an extension point if you need to add new jpa properties that are not already defined in RESThub core jpa properties (see above). This hook is based on spring maps and its merge capacity.
Indeed, RESThub entityManagerFactory includes an larger map of properties with an external bean reference :
<bean id="entityManagerFactory"
<property name="jpaProperties" ref="jpaProperties" />
<bean id="jpaProperties" parent="resthubCoreJpaProperties">
<property name="sourceMap">
<map merge="true"/>
By default the map contains only core resthub jpa properties but if you need to add JPA or Hibernate properties,
you only have to override the jpaProperties
bean with your own configuration. Provided properties will be merged
with resthub core properties.
Simply add in you applicationContext :
<bean id="jpaProperties" parent="resthubCoreJpaProperties">
<property name="sourceMap">
<map merge="true">
<entry key="my.key" value="my.value" />
If this extension point is not sufficient, simply override dataSource
and entityManagerFactory
beans in
your applicationContext.xml.
Simply extend Spring Data JpaRepository to use all Spring Data features
public interface TodoRepository extends JpaRepository<Todo, String> {
List<Todo> findByContentLike(String content);
H2 console allows you to provide a SQL requester for your embedded default H2 database. It is included by default in JPA archetypes.
In order to add it to your JPA based application, add these lines to your WebAppInitializer class:
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
ServletRegistration.Dynamic h2Servlet = servletContext.addServlet("h2console", WebServlet.class);
When running the webapp, the database console will be available at http://localhost:8080/console/database/ URL with following parameters:
- JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:resthub
- Username: sa
- Password: