Validation API

In a RIA, form validation could be a heavy process because you have to implement validation on both client and server side of your application.

To be able to build, on the client side, a validation behaviour based on server side constraints definition, RESThub provides an API to export, for a given model class, the complete list of its constraints definitions.

RESThub Spring Stack integrates the JSR303 specification (BeanValidation) and its reference implementation: Hibernate Validator 5.1.2.

These validations constraints are, in fact, annotations held by a Java Bean Model. e.g :

public String getLogin() {
    return this.login;

All these constraints and their parameters are exported by RESThub Validation API.

RESThub provides, on the client side, a full support of this API to implement client side validation natively (see Backbone Stack documentation).

Usage and configuration

Validation API is not activated by default and should be first configured.


To activate, edit your WebAppInitializer and add resthub-validation as a spring active profile :

public class WebAppInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {

    public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
        XmlWebApplicationContext appContext = new XmlWebApplicationContext();
        appContext.getEnvironment().setActiveProfiles("resthub-jpa", "resthub-pool-bonecp", "resthub-web-server", "resthub-validation");

API access and parameters

Validation REST API can then be reached through /api/validation but takes some parameters :

  1. className

    Mandatory path parameter containing the complete className of the Java Bean to export (i.e. package + className - e.g. org.resthub.validation.model.User). This parameter must be provided. If not or if an invalid className is provided, a 404 NotFound response is returned.

    For example, you can reach validation API at:


  2. locale

    As an optional request parameter, the API takes the locale string indicating your internationalization preferences. You can then provide a valid i18n locale string to choose the desired message locale. e.g :


    Available locales are those supported by Hibernate Validator or provided by your custom properties files. If no locale parameter is provided or if the locale parameter is invalid, the default server locale is used.

    If some of your validation constraints (e.g. custom ones) doesn’t have any default error message, only the key is exported by the API. e.g :

    java org.resthub.validator.constraints.TelephoneNumber.message

Response format

The response format could be XML or JSON and contains the following:

  • The complete model className
  • A list of constraints (JSON object or dedicated XML element) containing all Java Bean property description.
  • Each property contains a list (JSON array or multiple XML element) of its constraints.
  • Each constraint contains different properties:

    • type: contains the constraint type (e.g. NotNull, Size, Email).
    • message: contains the constraint error message.
    • any other(s) property(ies) depending on the constraint type and its custom parameters (e.g. the Size constraint contains two additional properties min and max). To get the complete list of JSR303 parameters, see specification, for hibernate validator, see documentation

JSON sample:

    "model": "org.resthub.validation.model.User",
    "constraints": {
        "lastName": [{
            "type": "NotBlank",
            "message": "may not be empty"
        "email": [{
            "type": "NotNull",
            "message": "may not be null"
        }, {
            "type": "Email",
            "message": "not a well-formed email address",
            "flags": [],
            "regexp": ".*"
        "login": [{
            "type": "NotNull",
            "message": "may not be null"
        }, {
            "type": "Length",
            "message": "length must be between 8 and 2147483647",
            "min": 8,
            "max": 2147483647
        "firstName": [{
            "type": "NotBlank",
            "message": "may not be empty"

XML sample:

            <message>may not be empty</message>
            <message>may not be null</message>
            <message>not a well-formed email address</message>
            <message>may not be null</message>
            <message>length must be between 8 and 2147483647</message>
            <message>may not be empty</message>

Supported annotations

RESThub Validation API is based on JSR303 specification (BeanValidation) Validation constraints. Any standard BeanValidation Constraint is supported (and exported) by this API.

As Hibernate Validator is used as BeanValidation implementation, RESThub Validation also exports and supports specific Hibernate Validators constraints which format are JSR303 compliant are also supported. More globally, any extension of JSR303 specification would be supported if the standard BeanValidation constraint definition API is used.