Backbone.js Stack


RESThub Backbone stack provides a client-side full stack and guidelines for building enterprise grade HTML5 applications. It could be used with any server backend: Ruby, PHP, NodeJS, JEE, Spring, Grails …

In addition to the existing libraries included in the stack, it provides additional functionalities (mainly Backbone.js addons) designed to allow you to build a real enterprise grade application, and described in this documentation.

The Backbone.js 2.1.2 stack includes the following libraries:

You can find more details and explanation about these libraries and their usage in resthub here.

Before going deeper in the RESThub Backbone stack, you should read the great documentation Developing Backbone.js Applications by @addyosmani, it is a great introduction to pure Backbone.js.

Versions & Changelogs

Backbone Stack current version is 2.1.2.

You can find RESThub Backbone Stack release changelogs here

Bootstrap your project

There are 2 ways to use it in your project:

The Todo RESThub example project is the reference example project using this stack.


You should follow RESThub Backbone Stack tutorial in order to learn step by step how to use it. Available with or without answers : here