

Client-side templating capabilities are based by default on Handlebars.

Templates are HTML fragments, without the <html>, <header> or <body> tag:

<div class="todo {{#if done}}done{{/if}}">
    <div class="display">
        <input class="check" type="checkbox" {{#if done}}checked="checked"{{/if}}/>
        <div class="todo-content">{{content}}</div>
        <span class="todo-destroy"></span>
    <div class="edit">
        <input class="todo-input" type="text" value="{{content}}" />

RequireJS Handlebars plugin

Templates are injected into Views by the RequireJS Handlebars plugin, based on RequireJS text plugin. This hbs plugin will automatically retrieve and compile your template. So it should be defined in your main.js:

    paths: {
        // ...
        text: 'lib/text',
        hbs: 'resthub/handlebars-require'

Sample usage in a Backbone.js View:

define(['jquery', 'resthub', 'hbs!template/todo'],function($, Resthub, todoTmpl) {
    var TodoView = Resthub.View.extend({

    //... is a list tag.
    tagName:  'li',

    // Resthub.View will automtically Handlebars template with model or collection set in the context
    template: todoTmpl;


Resthub provide some usefull Handlebars helpers included by default:


This helper provides a more fluent syntax for inline ifs, i.e. if embedded in quoted strings.

As with Handlebars #if, if its first argument returns false, undefined, null or [] (a “falsy” value), '' is returned, otherwise returnVal argument is rendered.


<div class='{{ifinline done "done"}}'>Issue number 1</div>

with the following context:


will produce:

<div class='done'>Issue number 1</div>


Opposite of ifinline helper.

As with Handlebars #unless, if its first argument returns false, undefined, null or [] (a “falsy” value), returnVal is returned, otherwise '' argument is rendered.


<div class='{{unlessinline done "todo"}}'>Issue number 1</div>

with the following context:


will produce:

<div class='todo'>Issue number 1</div>


This helper provides a if inline comparing two values.

If the two values are strictly equals (===) return the returnValue argument, '' otherwise.


<div class='{{ifequalsinline type "details" "active"}}'>Details</div>

with the following context:


will produce:

<div class='active'>Details</div>


Opposite of ifequalsinline helper.

If the two values are not strictly equals (!==) return the returnValue argument, '' otherwise.


<div class='{{unlessequalsinline type "details" "active"}}'>Edit</div>

with the following context:


will produce:

<div class='active'>Edit</div>


This helper provides a if comparing two values.

If only the two values are strictly equals (===) display the block


{{#ifequals type "details"}}
    <span>This is details page</span>

with the following context:


will produce:

<span>This is details page</span>


Opposite of ifequals helper.

If only the two values are not strictly equals (!==) display the block


{{#unlessequals type "details"}}
    <span>This is not details page</span>

with the following context:


will produce:

<span>This is not details page</span>


This helper provides a for i in range loop.

start and end parameters have to be integers >= 0 or their string representation. start should be <= end. In all other cases, the block is not rendered.


    {{#for 1 5}}
        <li><a href='?page={{this}}'>{{this}}</a></li>

will produce:

    <li><a href='?page=1'>1</a></li>
    <li><a href='?page=2'>2</a></li>
    <li><a href='?page=3'>3</a></li>
    <li><a href='?page=4'>4</a></li>
    <li><a href='?page=5'>5</a></li>


This helper allows to use sprintf C like string formatting in your templates. It is based on Underscore String implementation. A detailed documentation is available here.


<span>{{sprintf 'This is a %s' 'test'}}</span>

will produce:

<span>This is a test</span>

This helper is very usefull for Internationalization_, and can take any number of parameters.


This helper provides a modulo function.

If (n % m) equals 0 then the block is rendered, and if not, the else block is rendered if provided.


{{#modulo index 2}}
    <span>{{index}} is even</span>
    <span>{{index}} is odd</span>

with the following context:


will produce:

<span>10 is even</span>


This helper provides a date formatting tool. The date will be parsed with the inputPattern and then formatted with the outputPattern.

Parameters are:

  • date: the date to parse and format
  • outputPattern: the pattern used to display the date (optional)
  • inputPattern: the pattern used to parse the date (optional)

inputPattern and outputPattern are optionals: the default pattern is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss

Full documentation about date format can be found here.


<span>{{formatDate myDate pattern}}</span>

with the following context:

{ myDate: new Date(), pattern: '[today] MM/DD/YYYY' }

will produce:

<span>today 10/24/2012</span>


<span>{{formatDate myDate outputPattern inputPattern}}</span>

with the following context:

{ myDate: '2012/17/02 11h32', inputPattern: 'YYYY/DD/MM HH\\hmm', outputPattern: 'HH:mm, MM-DD-YYYY' }

will produce:

<span>11:32, 02-17-2012</span>